Grief is not an emotion or a process, it’s a journey

Trigger warning: Grief, loss, bereavement Over the past couple of years, amongst a vast number of amazing things that have happened to me, I have also had to contend with three tragic losses: two friends I have known for most of my life, and more recently, my Grandad. Whilst I am not, and do not … Continue reading Grief is not an emotion or a process, it’s a journey

The importance of trigger warnings

Trigger Warning: Suicide I recently went to watch a musical with my girlfriend. We had booked the tickets well in advance and were very much looking forward to the production. Usually, I have a vague idea of the plot ahead of the viewing, but this time I went in cold (metaphorically and literally… it was … Continue reading The importance of trigger warnings


Break-ups are shit, there’s no other way to describe them. They’re even shitter when you don’t see them coming. Someone close to me recently went through a break-up and it just reinforced this fact. I’ve often wondered why we can’t just be like seahorses and mate for life? I guess some people are like seahorses … Continue reading Break-ups

‘What would you like to be when you grow up?’

Remember when you were younger, and your teacher would ask, ‘what would you like to be when you grow up?’ Everyone in your class would blurt out something like, ‘astronaut’, ‘singer’, ‘doctor’. Eventually, it would be your turn and although you had absolutely no idea what you wanted to be (just like the rest of … Continue reading ‘What would you like to be when you grow up?’